Key Stage 1 Weather Experts - NEW LOOK
Extreme Weather - NEW LOOK

Learn about extreme weather conditions in the UK. Look at homes adapted to different climates around the world. Create a storm-resistant den and a flood-resistant house.

Session 1 A storm is coming!



  • To identify seasonal and daily weather in the UK.
  • To learn technical vocabulary associated with extreme versions of this weather.

Enquiry question
What is ‘extreme weather’?

Children will:

  • Identify and explore some extreme weather events that might happen in the UK.
  • Recognise and use technical words associated with extreme weather.
  • Design a poster about an extreme weather event, warning of the potential damage and how to prepare.

You Will Also Need

No additional resources needed

You may want to search for videos of some of these events to enhance understanding and show the visual impact.

Session 2 Extreme weather around the world



  • To identify different extreme weather events around the world.
  • To begin to think about how different factors contribute to extreme weather e.g. climate zone, global warming etc.
  • To use maps and globes to identify the UK and other countries.

Enquiry question
How are extreme weather events around the world different or similar to the extreme weather we experience in the UK?

Children will:

  • Identify and explore some extreme weather events that might happen in the rest of the world in different climate zones.
  • Role-play a report from an extreme weather event from around the world, thinking about how it might feel to be caught up in that event.

You Will Also Need

Any props to make the role-play more fun e.g. mock microphones, appropriate weather clothes etc., camera to record.

Search for clips of weather presenters from different parts of the world reporting from an extreme weather event (news report from hurricane…snowstorm etc. - be sure to watch before in case of inappropriate language!). Some examples might be…
Hurricane Ida from NBC News
Storm Eunice from Sky News
Winter storm report from CBS News

Session 3 Houses from around the world



  • To learn about how people adapt to the climate they live in.
  • To understand how buildings can be designed to withstand extreme weather events.

Enquiry question
How can homes help to protect people from the weather?

Children will:

  • Explore how different weather around the world might affect the way people build their houses.
  • Begin to understand how houses can be designed and built to withstand extreme weather.
  • Create estate agent’s details to sell a house that has been designed to withstand extreme weather.

You Will Also Need

No additional resources needed

Session 4 Flood resistant house!



  • To learn about weather patterns (flooding) in the UK and around the world.
  • To understand how extreme weather can affect the way people design and build houses.

Enquiry question
How can a house be designed to withstand floods?

Children will:

  • Explore how different weather around the world might affect the way people build their houses.
  • Begin to understand how houses can be designed and built to be flood resistant.
  • Design a flood resistant house, thinking about any special features needed.

You Will Also Need

Collage materials

Some useful videos of floods & the damage they have caused