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Year 6 Grammar and Punctuation

By Ruth Merttens - 6 Jan 2019

PowerPoint Presentations for Year 6 of the Grammar and Punctuation Scheme of Work

The following three presentations are FREE to download.

*FREE* Use Active and Passive voices in the appropriate contexts.
Explain that the passive voice can be used to present information in an objective way. Demonstrate to children how we can describe an incident without saying who did it! Show how the passive voice helps us to report something without allocating responsibility.
The window was broken by a football being kicked through it.
The kittens were placed on the doorstop of the orphanage.
John was punched in the chest.

Terminology: Passive voice, Active voice, Verb, Subject, Object
Consolidation Exercises: Topics - Verbs Session 4

*FREE* Distinguish between Informal and formal speech including use of Subjunctive
Encourage children to see how we can use speech structures in informal writing and appropriate structures, such as the subjunctive, in formal writing.
He really gave that his best shot, didn’t he? [Informal speech structure]
She is really not going to change her mind, is she? [Informal speech structure]
If I were you, I would go and say sorry to Jimmy. [Subjunctive]
If the planet were to warm more than 3⁰, scientists think that much of the UK would be under the sea. [Subjunctive]
Terminology: Subject, Object, Verb, Subjunctive forms

*FREE* Linking within and across paragraphs using Cohesive devices
Encourage children to recognise and then use a variety of devices to add cohesion: Pronouns to avoid repetition of a word or phrase, grammatical connections [for example, the use of adverbials such as on the other hand, in contrast, or as a consequence], and the use of ellipsis.
Furthermore, the argument was settled by Annie when she produced the evidence that he had the stolen parrot in his bedroom. Fortunately, it was not hurt, but he…
Terminology: Pronoun, Adverb, Adverbial, Conjunction, Ellipsis
Consolidation Exercises: Topics - Cohesion Session 1

The presentations below are available to Friends of Hamilton and school subscribers.

Choose and use a suitable range of Punctuation, including bullet-points, semi-colons, colons, etc. Also Hyphens to avoid ambiguity.
Encourage children to use bullet points in non-fiction writing.
New playground rules:

  • No running in the quiet area;
  • No football except on the pitch
  • Hoops, skipping ropes and Frisbees to be returned to the big basket; and
  • No food in the sitting area.

Show children how we can use a semi-colon to indicate a pause longer than a comma and we can use a dash to indicate a further thought.
The woolly mammoth was thought to have died out after the ice-age; the weather became too hot for them to survive.
Simon absolutely refused to apologise – he was convinced he had done nothing wrong.

Terminology: Bullet point, Semi-colon, Colon, Dash, Hyphen
Consolidation Exercises: Topics - Punctuation Session 2

Use Expanded Noun Phrases to convey complicated information or provide descriptions
Remind children how to identify and construct noun phrases. A good test of a noun phrase is that the whole thing can be replaced by a pronoun. Help children to recognise the head noun in each case. Consolidate children’s use of description to enable them to express themselves in interesting ways.
The blue and white salts left in the basin can be placed in a jar for safe-keeping.
The herd of deer we saw earlier have returned to the hillside.

Terminology: Noun, Adjective, Adverb, Preposition, Noun phrase
Consolidation Exercises: Topics - Nouns Session 1

Use Dialogue effectively; recognise Reported and direct speech
Revise the punctuation and layout of dialogue, and encourage the use of a range of reporting clauses. Demonstrate the difference between reported and direct speech so that children can distinguish these.
“Give me a break,” sneered Tom, “You can’t expect me to believe that!” (Direct speech)
“Ger’off, you’re hurting me,” Sam told his younger brother. (Direct speech)
She said that the cat had not in fact broken the vase, but a blackbird had flown into it. (Reported speech)

Terminology: Inverted commas or Speech marks, Direct speech, Reported speech
Consolidation Exercises: Topics - Punctuation Session 3

Use a wide range of Conjunctions to create compound and complex sentences
Consolidate children’s use of ‘and’, ‘but’ and ‘or’ to write compound sentences and their use of other conjunctions to create complex sentences with subordinate clauses. Check that they can correctly identify main and subordinate clauses.
She could not believe him, although he was very persuasive.
Whether or not the cat was clumsy, the owner was there or she was very close.

Terminology: Conjunction, Clause, Subordinate clause
Consolidation Exercises: Topics - Word Classes Session 1

Revise the use of Commas after or before phrases and clauses
Introduce the idea of a ‘short pause’ which does not merit a new sentence but does require a comma. Show children how we can use commas before or after phrases or clauses.
After the door slammed, the class sat in total silence.
As light as a bird, the glider disappeared into the clouds.

Terminology: Comma
Consolidation Exercises: Topics - Punctuation Session 2

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