Lower Key Stage 2 The Romans in Britain - NEW LOOK
Introduction to the Romans - NEW LOOK

Be introduced to the Romans. Learn a bit about the history of Rome – legend and fact – and understand where in Europe Rome is, and how the Romans came to extend their influence and create such a large and influential empire.

Session 1 The legend of how Rome was founded



  • To learn about the legend of the founding of Rome and place events into the correct periods of time.
  • To retell a story, speaking clearly and with expression.
  • To contribute thoughtful and considerate responses to the performances of others.

Enquiry question
What do we know about the legend of how Rome was founded?

Children will:

  • Begin to understand the chronology of the founding of Rome within western history.
  • Understand that one way we know about the past is from stories.
  • Retell the story of Romulus and Remus.
  • Share and respond thoughtfully to performances.

You Will Also Need

There are no particular resources or weblinks needed for this session.

Session 2 Roman government – research and debate



  • To understand the benefits and impact of the different Roman ruling systems.
  • To participate actively in a debate or discussion on a particular topic.
  • To consider and evaluate different viewpoints, responding to and building on the contributions of others.

Enquiry question
What were the benefits and impact of the different Roman ruling systems?

Children will:

  • Understand how the Roman ruling system helped to build the Roman Empire.
  • Identify advantages and disadvantages of having one leader or having a republic.
  • Participate in a debate to give opinions and respond respectfully to the points of others.

Session 3 The Roman Empire geographically over time



  • To examine how the lands within the Roman Empire changed over time and begin to understand why.
  • To use an atlas to name and locate countries in Europe on a map.
  • To understand what a key on a map is for.

Enquiry question
How and why did the lands within the Roman Empire change over time?

Children will:

  • Be aware of the significance and size of the Roman Empire.
  • Understand why and how the lands within Roman Empire changed over time.
  • Locate countries in Europe.
  • Draw a key to identify different features on a map.