Key Stage 1 Changes within Living Memory

Examine different forms of transport. Understand how transport has changed over time, and begin to develop a chronology of automobiles, trains and space travel. Go on a trip to a museum or on a rail, canal boat or ferry ride. Explore the history of space travel and significant events.

Session 1 Introduction to transport



  • Understand changes within living memory.
  • Recognise similarities and differences between ways of life in different periods.

Design and Technology

  • Select from and use a range of tools and equipment according to their characteristics to perform practical tasks.
  • Build structures, exploring how they can be made stronger, stiffer and more stable.

Lesson Planning

Children name and describe different types of transport and begin to understand transport was different when their parents, grandparents and great-grandparents were little.
They create a wheel and understand the importance of its invention.

Teaching Outcomes
To understand how transport has changed over time.
To produce a wheel using simple resources.

Children can:

  • Name and describe different types of transport.
  • Begin to understand transport was different when their parents and grandparents were little.
  • Understand that transport: cars, buses, trains have changed over time.

Provided Resources

  • Photographs showing a selection of photos of transport from the 1940s
  • PowerPoint of cars and trains through the last 60 years

You Will Need

  • Masking tape
  • Art straws

Session 2 Wheel printing


Art and Design

  • Use drawing, painting and sculpture to develop and share their ideas, experiences and imagination.
  • Develop a wide range of art and design techniques in using colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space.
  • Learn about the work of a range of artists, craft makers and designers, describing the differences and similarities between different practices and disciplines, and making links to their own work.


  • Learn about changes within living memory.
  • Develop an awareness of the past and use appropriate vocabulary.
  • Know where the forms of transport fit within a broad chronological framework.

Lesson Planning

Children use toy vehicles to identify the features of ‘modern’ and ‘old fashioned’ cars. They then create artwork using printing with toy vehicles. Children recognise the name Jackson Pollock as a famous artist.

Teaching Outcomes
To explore the idea of free expression through art.
To develop an understanding of how transport has changed.

Children can:

  • Sort toy vehicles into ‘modern’ and ‘old fashioned’.
  • Create artwork using printing with toy vehicles.
  • Recognise the name Jackson Pollock as a famous artist.

Provided Resources

This session does not need any provided resources.

You Will Need

  • Old and new toy vehicles (with wheels): trains, cars, buses, trucks, motorbikes, ambulances and vans
  • Acrylic paints
  • Painting trays

Session 3 History of cars



  • Learn about changes within living memory.
  • Ask and answer questions about the past.
  • Understand some ways we find out about the past.


  • Write about real events.
  • Write for different purposes.

Lesson Planning

Children explore the story of the automobile, looking at how the internal combustion engine was invented and how the car developed over time. Children produce a timeline of cars over 100 years.

Teaching Outcomes
To learn about the development of the car over time.
To produce a class timeline of cars.

Children can:

  • Begin to understand that things change over time, the motor car became more efficient and sleek and fast.
  • Begin to know the car was invented over 100 years ago and looked very different.

You Will Need

  • Non-fiction texts on cars including the history of cars
  • 5m long strip of coloured paper to make a large timeline to go around the room

Session 4 How wheels work - design a car


Design and Technology

  • Design purposeful, functional, appealing products for you and other users based on design criteria.
  • Generate, develop, model and communicate ideas through talking, drawing, templates, mock-ups and information and communication technology.


  • Learn about changes within living memory.
  • Understand where different cars fit within a chronology of the history of last century.
  • Recognise significant historical events (invention of internal combustion engine).

Lesson Planning

How axels and wheels work is described and demonstrated. Children use their new understanding to help them design their own cars which they will make in the next session.

Teaching Outcomes
To begin to understand some of the mechanisms of a working automobile and to design a car.
To begin to understand the history of the internal combustion engine.

Children can:

  • Understand how wheels work by turning on an axel.
  • Look at how cars are designed to fit their purpose, e.g. police cars and pick up trucks look different as they have different jobs to do.
  • Design a simple car, with wheels and axels.
  • Begin to appreciate the history of cars and the internal combustion engine.

Provided Resources

  • PowerPoint presentation from session 1 (cars section)

You Will Need

  • Non-fiction texts on cars including how the car works
  • Design and technology equipment to make wheels with axels
  • Junk modelling equipment
  • Lego or other construction toys with wheels and axels


There are no weblinks needed for this session.

Session 5 Make a car


Design and Technology

  • Select from and use a range of tools and equipment to perform practical tasks such as cutting, shaping, joining and finishing.
  • Select from and use a wide range of materials and components, including construction materials, textiles and ingredients, according to their characteristics.


  • Distinguish between an object and the material from which it is made.
  • Describe the simple physical properties of everyday materials.
  • Identify and compare the suitability of everyday materials for particular uses.

Lesson Planning

Children understand how wheels work by turning on an axel and use this knowledge to make a car with turning wheels. Children evaluate their designs.

Teaching Outcomes
To create a car with wheels and axles.
To begin to understand how a wheel enables us to move a larger weight with less effort.

Children can:

  • Begin to understand how wheels work by turning on an axel.
  • Make a car from DT equipment with turning wheels.
  • Evaluate their designs.

Provided Resources

This session does not need any provided resources.

You Will Need

  • Design and technology equipment to make wheels with axels: straws and card wheels or plastic bottle tops and dowel
  • Junk modelling equipment

Session 6 Transport trip (day out)



  • Learn about changes within living memory.
  • Ask and answer questions choosing and using a variety of sources.
  • Begin to understand some of the ways we know about the past and understand the different ways in which it is represented.


  • Ask relevant questions to extend understanding and knowledge.
  • Give well-structured descriptions and explanations.
  • Use spoken language to develop understanding through speculating.

Lesson Planning

Children are taken on a trip to a transport museum or on a ride on an old train or canal boat or ferry or…. They are thus able to experience directly older forms of transport. They relate what they see and do to their own experiences of transport now.

Teaching Outcomes
To research a particular historical form of transport in the locality.
To ask and answer appropriate questions and report back on their experiences.

Children can:

  • Begin to understand how transport was different in the past.
  • Understand how things change over time and begin to appreciate a chronology of one form of transport.

Provided Resources

  • A trip recording sheet
  • Form letter for parents

You Will Need

You do not need any particular resources for this session.


There are no weblinks needed for this session.

Session 7 Space travel



  • Learn about events which were significant nationally or globally.
  • Know where people and events fit within a chronological framework.
  • Ask and answer questions, understand some ways we find out about the past.

Design and Techonology

  • Design purposeful functional objects for themselves and others based on design criteria.
  • Generate, develop, model and communicate ideas through talking, drawing and mock-ups.
  • Select tools and materials to construct an object.

Lesson Planning

Children learn about space travel and appreciate the significance of space exploration in recent history. They begin to recognise a chronology and then go on to design a rocket/space station, working collaboratively.

Teaching Outcomes
To understand when space travel started and begin to develop a chronology of space exploration.
To design a rocket or space station which can be used for active role-play within the classroom.

Children can:

  • Understand the significance of space travel in recent history and begin to recognise a chronology.
  • Design a rocket or space station, working collaboratively.

You Will Need

  • A range of large cardboard boxes
  • Corrugated card and other strong card
  • Masking tape and Sellotape
  • Packing materials
  • Cloth
  • Newspaper
  • Wire
  • Coat-hangers
  • Sticks and thin dowelling
  • Stanley knife for adult use

Session 8 Moon landings



  • Learn about events which were significant nationally or globally.
  • Know where people and events fit within a chronological framework.
  • Ask and answer questions, understand some ways we find out about the past.

Design and Technology

  • Select from and use a range of tools and equipment to construct an object.
  • Select from and use a range of materials/components incl. construction materials.

Lesson Planning

Using footage of moon landing and images of the earth from space, children understand this significant historical event. They read Mark Haddon’s Sea of Tranquillity and are able to date the event. They now build their own space station or rocket in the classroom, using their own designs.

Teaching Outcomes
To recognise the significance of the moon landings in 1969.
To create a rocket or space station which is fit for purpose within the classroom

Children can:

  • Understand the significance of space travel in recent history and begin to recognise a chronology.
  • Construct and build a rocket/space station, working collaboratively.
  • Use imagination to help us understand the significance and the magic of these events.

You Will Need

  • Sea of Tranquillity by Mark Haddon
  • A range of large cardboard boxes
  • Corrugated card and other strong card
  • Masking tape and Sellotape
  • Packing materials
  • Cloth
  • Newspaper
  • Wire
  • Coat-hangers
  • Sticks and thin dowelling
  • Stanley knife for adult use

Session 9 The Solar System



  • Learn about events which were significant nationally or globally.
  • Know where people and events fit within a chronological framework.
  • Ask and answer questions, understand some ways we find out about the past.


  • Identify and describe the planets in the solar system and understand their relation to the sun.
  • Ask simple scientific questions and recognise that these can be answered in different ways.

Lesson Planning

Children look at actual pictures of Mars and begin to understand that space exploration is an on-going as well as a historical undertaking. They learn about the solar system and produce a drawing, then learn the names of the planets in order.

Teaching Outcomes
To understand how space exploration has been an important part of the history of the last half century and how it continues to develop in the future.
To understand how the earth is one of nine planets all of which orbit the sun.

Children can:

  • Begin to know we live on planet earth and there are other planets, moons and stars in our solar system.
  • Understand that space exploration is still continuing and that we have sent a rocket to Mars and can look at actual pictures of that planet.

You Will Need

  • Globe: large orange or yellow ball
  • Books about the solar system