
English Year 3 Summer Modern Fiction

The Hodgeheg

Enjoy Dick King-Smith’s The Hodgeheg. Explore plot, character and dialogue. Study speech punctuation and adverbs for time, place and manner. Write a new animal adventure.

Start with the core unit to introduce key texts. Then select from comprehension, SPAG and composition units.

Unit 1 Core: Introduction to The Hodgeheg: characters, setting, plot and prediction
(suggested as 4 days)

SPaG: Grammar and Punctuation

There is no spelling and grammar presentation for this unit.

You Will Need

Essential Text
The Hodgeheg by Dick King-Smith

Unit 2 SPAG: Punctuating direct speech; prediction
(suggested as 3 days)

You Will Need

Essential Text
The Hodgeheg by Dick King-Smith

Grammar PowerPoint: Punctuating Speech

Unit 3 SPAG: Adverbs for time, place and manner; action scenes
(suggested as 3 days)

You Will Need

Essential Text
The Hodgeheg by Dick King-Smith

Grammar PowerPoint: Adverbs

Unit 4 Comprehension: Explore plot and tension building; write a book review
(suggested as 3 days)

SPaG: Grammar and Punctuation

There is no spelling and grammar presentation for this unit.

You Will Need

Essential Text
The Hodgeheg by Dick King-Smith

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Unit 5 Composition: Write a new animal adventure story
(suggested as 4 days)

SPaG: Grammar and Punctuation

There is no spelling and grammar presentation for this unit.

You Will Need

Essential Text
The Hodgeheg by Dick King-Smith